Oreum Industries Internal Project, 2024Q3
Oreum Case Studies - ONS Deaths Survival Regression oreum_cs_ons
Demonstrate Survival Regression Modelling using Bayesian inference and a
Bayesian workflow, specifically using the pymc
& arviz
This is very brief overview of a full case study
in which we demonstrate an E2E workflow for survival regression models of increasing sophistication.
This overview is for verbal presentation and quick discussion purposes only, and ideally should accompany a deeper technical walkthrough of the case study in a long-form style. There we evaluate the behaviour and performance of the models throughout the workflows, including several state-of-the-art methods unavailable to conventional max-likelihood / machine-learning models.
Oreum Industries: Technical Resources
We use a complicated, real-world dataset: the ONS England & Wales Deaths 2022 reference tables:
Death registrations by single year of age, (males | females),
England and Wales, registered 1963 to 2022
This dataset requires multiple advanced modelling methods to handle and mitigate bad / messy data, and in particular a very unusual right-truncation due to the ONS only publishing aggregated death counts. i.e this is not an observational study of cohorts / individuals from a specified start-time, instead we only learn about individuals when we record a death!
This has several implications on the choice of model, which we discuss in detail in $\S1$ Model Architecture, to summarise:
- We use a parametric distribution to estimate the event density function $\pi(t)$ as a Gompertz PDF, reparameterised using the modal-age-of-death
- We regress this distribution onto features in the data
- The model likelihood is evaluated using a count-based distribution (we try Poisson and NegBinomial) compared to the overall deaths for a naive observation-year cohort.
Our General Model Architecture in this project is a modified Accelerated
Failure Time (AFT) model. See comprehensive explanations and deep technical
demonstrations of various survival models and explanations of censoring in our
public reference project
which includes Accelerated Failure Time and Piecewise Regression Models.
What is Survival Regression?¶
See comprehensive explanations and deep technical demonstrations in our public project oreum_survival
Essentially, we seek to create principled models that provide explanatory inference and predictions of the Survival Function $\hat{S}(t)$ and Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ with quantified uncertainty to support real-world decision-making.
Illustrative Survival Function ${S}(t)$ and Expected Time-to-Event $\mathbb{E}_{t}$ from this Project oreum_cs_ons
Taken from notebook oreum_cs_ons
and shown here just to give the reader a feel for the outputs and the
problem-space. All estimates are made with quantified uncertainty, which reveals (rather than hides) the inherent noise
in real-world data and processes.
We gain massive advantage by using a Bayesian Framework¶
We specifically use Bayesian Inference rather than Frequentist Max-Likelihood methods for many reasons, including:
Bayesian Inference | Frequentist Max-Likelihood | |
General formulation $\rightarrow$ Desirable Trait $\downarrow$ |
Bayes' Rule $$\underbrace{P(\hat{\mathcal{H}}\|D)}_{\text{posterior}} = \frac{\overbrace{P(D\|\mathcal{H})}^{\text{likelihood}} \cdot \overbrace{P(\mathcal{H})}^{\text{prior}}}{\underbrace{P(D)}_{\text{evidence}}} $$ | MLE $$\hat{\mathcal{H}}^{\text{MLE}} \propto \arg\max_{\mathcal{H}} P(D\|\mathcal{H})$$ |
Principled model structure represents hypothesis about the data-generating process | Very strong Can build bespoke arbitrary and hierarchical structures of parameters to map to the real-world data-generating process. |
Weak Can only state structure under strict limited assumptions of model statistical validity. |
Model parameters and their initial values represent domain expert knowledge | Very strong Marginal prior distributions represent real-world probability of parameter values before any data is seen. |
Very weak No concept of priors. Lack of joint probability distribution can lead to discontinuities in parameter values. |
Robust parameter fitting process | Strong Estimate full joint posterior probability mass distribution for parameters - more stable and representative of the expectation for the parameter values. Sampling can be a computationally expensive process. |
Weak Estimate single-point max-aposterioi-likelihood (density) of parameters - this can be far outside the probability mass and so is prone to overfitting and only correct in the limit of infinite data. But optimization method can be computationally cheap. |
Fitted parameters have meaningful summary statistics for inference | Very strong Full marginal probability distributions can be interpreted exactly as probabilities. |
Weak Point estimates only have meaningful summary statistics under strict limited assumptions of model statistical validity. |
continues ...
... continued
Desirable Trait | Bayesian Inference | Frequentist Max-Likelihood |
Robust model evaluation process | Strong Use entire dataset, evaluate via Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (best theoretically possible). |
Weak Cross-validation rarely seen in practice, even if used, rarely better than 5-fold CV. Simplistic method can be computationally cheap. |
Predictions made with quantified variance | Very strong Predictions made using full posterior probability distributions, so predictions have full empirical probability distributions. |
Weak Predictions using point estimates can be bootstrapped, but predictions only have interpretation under strict limited assumptions of model validity. |
Handle imbalanced, high cardinality & hierarchical factor features | Very strong Can introduce partial-pooling to automatically balance factors through hierarchical priors. |
Weak Difficult to introduce partial-pooling (aka mixed random effects) without affecting strict limited assumptions of model validity. |
Handle skewed / multimodal / extreme value target variable | Very strong Represent the model likelihood as any arbitrary probability distribution, including mixture (compound) functions e.g. a zero-inflated Weibull. |
Weak Represent model likelihood with a usually very limited set of distributions. Very difficult to create mixture compound functions. |
Handle small datasets | Very strong Bayesian concept assumes that there is a probable range of values for each parameter, and that we evidence our prior on any amount of data (even very small counts). |
Very weak Frequentist concept assumes that there is a single true value for each parameter and that we only discover that value in the limit (of infinite observations). |
Automatically impute missing data | Very strong Establish a prior for each datapoint, evidence on the available data within the context of the model, to automatically impute missing values. |
Very weak No inherent method. Usually impute as a pre-processing step with weak non-modelled methods. |
Practical Implementations of Bayesian Inference¶
We briefly referenced Bayes Rule above, which is a useful mnemonic when discussing Bayesian Inference, but in practice the crux of putting these advanced statistical techniques into practice is estimating the evidence $P(D)$ i.e. the probability of observing the data that we use to evidence the model
$$ \begin{aligned} \underbrace{P(\hat{\mathcal{H}}|D)}_{\text{posterior}} &= \frac{\overbrace{P(D|\mathcal{H})}^{\text{likelihood}} \cdot \overbrace{P(\mathcal{H})}^{\text{prior}}}{\underbrace{P(D)}_{\text{evidence}}} \\ \\ \text{...where:} \\ \\ P(D) &\sim \int_{\Theta} P(D, \theta)\ d\theta \\ \end{aligned} $$
This joint probability $P(D, \theta)$ of data $D$ and parameters $\theta$ requires an almost impossible-to-solve integral over parameter-space $\Theta$. Rather than attempt to calculate that integral, we do something that sounds far more difficult, but given modern computing capabilities is actually practical.
We use a Bleeding-edge MCMC Toolkit for Bayesian Inference: pymc
& arviz
We use Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampling to take a series of ergodic, partly-reversible, partly-randomised samples of model parameters $\theta$, and at each step compute the ratio of log-likelihoods $\log P(D|\mathcal{H})$ between a starting position (current values) $\theta_{p0}$ and proposed "sampled" position $\theta_{p}$ in parameter space, so as to reduce that log-likelihood (whilst exploring the parameter space).
This results in a posterior estimate $P(\hat{\theta}|D)$:
$$ \begin{aligned} P(\hat{\theta}|D) &\sim \frac{\overbrace{P(D|\theta_{p})}^{\text{likelihood @ proposal}} \cdot \overbrace{P(\theta_{p})}^{\text{prior @ proposal}}} {\underbrace{P(D|\theta_{p0})}_{\text{likelihood @ current}} \cdot \underbrace{P(\theta_{p0})}_{\text{prior @ current}}} \end{aligned} $$
This is the heart of MCMC sampling: for detailled practical explanations see Betancourt, 2021 and Tweicki, 2015
We use the bleeding-edge pymc
and arviz
Python packages to provide the full Bayesian toolkit that we require, including advanced sampling, probabilistic programming,
statistical inferences, model evaluation and comparison, and more.
1. The Dataset and Problem-Space¶
1.1 Dataset¶
As noted above, we use a complicated, real-world dataset: the ONS England & Wales Deaths 2022 reference tables:
Death registrations by single year of age, (males | females),
England and Wales, registered 1963 to 2022
For illustration: table of the dataset, verbatim as supplied¶
death_m_ct | death_f_ct | ||
yr | age_at_death | ||
1963-01-01 | 0 | 10401 | 7641 |
1 | 665 | 537 | |
2 | 378 | 288 | |
2022-01-01 | 103 | 90 | 493 |
104 | 52 | 268 | |
105 | 39 | 385 |
'Shape: (6360, 2), Memsize 0.1 MB'
Post-cleaning (pre-preparation)
Explanation of the features for each of the 6360 raw observations:
yr: year of recorded death
age_at_death: age at death (rounded down to birthday passed)
death_m_ct: summed count of deaths for `sex=male`
death_f_ct: summed count of deaths for `sex=female`
For illustration: table of the dataset (post-preparation)¶
See oreum_cs_ons
for more detail
age_at_death | cohort_b5 | cohort_b10 | death_ct | |||
birth_yr | death_yr | male | ||||
1858-01-01 | 1963-01-01 | False | 105 | 1855<=b<1860 | 1850<=b<1860 | 16 |
True | 105 | 1855<=b<1860 | 1850<=b<1860 | 1 | ||
1859-01-01 | 1963-01-01 | False | 104 | 1855<=b<1860 | 1850<=b<1860 | 14 |
2021-01-01 | 2022-01-01 | True | 1 | 2020<=b<2025 | 2020<=b<2030 | 75 |
2022-01-01 | 2022-01-01 | False | 0 | 2020<=b<2025 | 2020<=b<2030 | 1027 |
True | 0 | 2020<=b<2025 | 2020<=b<2030 | 1384 |
'Shape: (12720, 4), Memsize 0.4 MB'
Explanation of the features for each of the 12720 prepared observations:
Identifier features (from which we derive exogenous features for modelling use)
birth_year: Reverse-engineered birth year based on death_year - age-at-death
death_year: death_year as supplied
Endogenous (target) features
death_ct: Summed count of deaths
Exogenous (predictor) features (some are derived / prepared)
male: Sex of group is male (True/False) (this has been melted from raw)
age_at_death: age_at_death as supplied
cohort_b5: Prepared aggregated birth-year cohort with bins of 5-year span
cohort_b10: Prepared aggregated birth-year cohort with bins of 5-year span
1.2. Aggregated Death Counts, Right-Truncation, and Event Density $\pi$¶
In the full case study oreum_cs_ons
we discuss in detail the issues of this dataset and the impacts it has on the model architecture(s) available to us.
Aggregated death counts over time¶
The data is only supplied in aggregate form, so we don't have lifetime time-to-event $t$
- These
s are not used in the model, they're just to condense the data little so we can see general patterns - The most noticeable trend is a gentle raise and then decrease in the count of deaths in the
group, matched by a negatively-correlating rise in count of deaths in the80<d<=100
group: over time, people are dying later - We also see males are dying sooner than females
- Note we observe deaths from 1963 onwards, due to ONS data availability
See oreum_cs_ons
$\S3$ for more detail
This dataset involves a very unusual right-truncation due to the ONS only publishing aggregated death counts. i.e this is not an observational study of cohorts / individuals from a specified start-time, instead we only learn about individuals when we record a death!
See reference project oreum_survival
for detail
and helpful illustrations of censoring
Empirical event density $\pi$¶
We can still calculate a simple empirical event density $pi$ as used in the AFT models:
- Our empirical $\pi$ is quite well defined, and behaves as expected, with a mode $M$ well into old age
- Lots of variance around the modal-age-of-death $M$, which is understandable given we have a lot of observations at this age (with births back to 1880s)
See oreum_cs_ons
$\S1$ for more detail
1.3 Modelled Survival Function $\hat{S}(t)$ and Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$¶
We seek to estimate $\pi$ and thus the Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$
As a side-effect of the mathematical relationships, we also get a Survival Function $\hat{S}(t)$ which can be a more familiar representation for newcomers to understand.
The model produces these estimates with quantified uncertainty per individual, but we can substitute a simplified dataset to effectively roll these up to look at the differences between groups according to exogenous feature.
For example, forecasted Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ and Survival Function $\hat{S}(t)$ for male vs female:¶
2. The Modelling Work¶
2.1 Architectures¶
We use an Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model, specifically an uncensored Gompertz-distribution on the Event Density $\pi$, evidenced with a Count distribution $\kappa$ on aggregated deaths.
The AFT base model is explained in great detail with examples in our public reference project
As noted above, the data here is right-truncated which necessitates a novel model architecture to handle it. We
describe this in great detail in
and we will happily
explain that interactively to interested folk.
For illustration: math snippet and plate notation diagram of the novel Gompertz-NegBinomial
The key insight noted by Monica Alexander in her proposed model is that we can still evaluate the actual observed death count $\kappa_{c}$ compared to a proposed parametric event density function $\pi(t)$ and the total count of deaths $\mathcal{D}_{c}$ for the relevant cohort (see $\S1.4$ for more discussion on $\mathcal{D}_{c}$). This doesn't require us to have $d_{i}$ available for the likelihood.
See oreum_survival
for detail of the GompertzAlt
AFT architecture, and illustrations of the Gompertz Alt parameterization in use for $\pi$, and
the associated $\lambda$, $\Lambda$, and $S$.
Here again substituting $\eta = \exp (-\gamma M)$, and also omitting the machinery to handle right-censoring (because we can't use it here), we see:, and using a Poisson count likelihood, we can continue the AFT model spec as:
$$ \begin{aligned} \pi(t) &= \lambda(t) \cdot S(t) \\ \theta_{c}(t) &= \mathcal{D}_{c} \cdot \pi(t) \\ \\ \hat{\kappa}_{c}(t) &\sim \text{Poisson}(\theta_{c}(t)) \\ \end{aligned} $$
- $\mathcal{D}_{c}$ is the total count of events (death) per cohort
Very brief jumping-off point for discussion on Cohorts¶
To create $\mathcal{D}_{c}$ we could simply sum each observation year $\mathcal{D}_{y} = \sum_{y} \kappa_{y}(t)$
However, within an observation year $y$, each value $\kappa_{y}(t=0, 1, 2, ..., n)$ is sourced from people with different birth years, and if we sum over them, we will smooth out cohort effects due to birth year and their lived experiences in real time. i.e. real-world events will "flow through" the $t$'s. This seems like a mistake, and also a missed opportunity to include birth cohorts.
The practical impact is:
- During model development we will experiment with increasing the fidelity of $D_{c}$, from $y \rightarrow b$
- We will incorporate these indicator variables as part of the regression submodel on $M \sim \exp(\beta\mathbf{x})$
Cohort options¶
(A) Unpooled death year cohort¶
To create $D_{c}$ we could simply sum over each observation year death $D_{y}$, which seems a little backwards, but could yield $M$ varying by observed year of death, letting us make statements about years with high mortality (useful?)
$$D_{d1} = \sum_{d1} \kappa_{d1}(t)$$
Cohorts with a single 1-year resolution: models GompertzPoissonCohortD1
and GompertzNBCohortD1
(B) Partial-pooled birth year cohort¶
This is our initially-preferred option for $\sum_{c}\kappa_{c}(t)$, to yield $M$ varying by birth cohort. This seems closer to a real observational study where we have birth dates by individual
$$D_{b10} = \sum_{b10} \kappa_{b10}(t)$$
Cohorts with a 10-year resolution: models GompertzNBCohortB10
Plate notation of simplest model: GompertzPoisson
2.2 Bayesian Workflow¶
Throughout the case study we employ at reasonably complete Bayesian Workflow (see Gelman et al, 2020 and Betancourt, 2020) using a cyclical process of model evaluation and improvement.
2.3 The Model Variants and Technical Evaluation¶
In this particular case study we ended up with 2 model variants based on the count distribution, and further differences based on the death count cohort
Establish the core model architecture (based on Accelerated-Failure-Time (AFT)) including:
- Gompertz distribution on event density function $\pi$ with alternative parameterisation ($M$ modal age-of-death, $\gamma$)
- Poisson distribution on count $\kappa$
- Linear submodel on $M$ parameter with unpoooled form:
1 + male_t_true
- Use unpooled death year cohort $D_{d1} = \sum_{d1} \kappa_{d1}(t)$, cohorts with a single 1-year resolution
Modify GompertzPoisson_CohortD1
- Negative-Binomial distribution on count $\kappa$ to decouple mean from variance and fit better
Modify GompertzNB_CohortD1
- Use partial-pooled birth year cohort to yield $M$ varying by birth cohort $D_{b10} = \sum_{b10} \kappa_{b10}(t)$, cohorts with a 10-year resolution
For illustration: plate notation diagram of the most complicated model in this case study (GompertzNB_CohortB10
See oreum_cs_ons
for details and
the full workflow
In-sample Model Evaluation¶
We compare model performance using advanced statistical reasoning.
At the end we can make a quantified evaluation and see that GompertzNB_CohortD1
performs the best for this dataset.
Note that GompertzPoisson_CohortD1
is substantially less performant than any NB model, due to the limitations of the
Poisson distribution on the count $\kappa$
See oreum_cs_ons
for details of this in-sample LOO-PIT evaluation method. Note we discover that the
3. Using the Model Outputs¶
3.1 Inference via the linear coefficients¶
We use the alternative Gompertz parameterisation for event density $\pi(t) \sim \text{Gompertz}(t\ |\ M, \gamma)$
Regression considerations:
- We should choose one parameter for the regression term $\beta^{T}\mathbf{x}$, or carefully manage the covariance between the two.
- Because $M$ affects the mode, we will set $M = \exp (\beta^{T}\mathbf{x})$, and open the potential to check our posterior parameter values to published general literature on "average" lifespan in the UK
So we can view the relative coefficient values to make inferences about the correlation (not causation) of features with changes in $M$
3.1.1 Interpret effect of Simple Linear Coefficients¶
First let's view the posterior values of beta_*
to infer how the numeric values affect $\alpha$
: $\mathbb{E} \sim 3.1$, $\text{HDI}_{94}$ not too narrow, as shown above ($\S1.2.1$) setting $\alpha=3$ gives a usefully broader peakgamma
: $\mathbb{E} \sim 0.11$, $\text{HDI}_{94}$ extremely narrow stillbeta_s
: $\mathbb{E} \sim 0.29$, $\text{HDI}_{94}$ a little higher and broader than specified, same as theGompertzPoisson
modelbeta: intercept
: $\mathbb{E} \sim 4.4, 0 \notin \text{HDI}_{94}$ positive, baseline $M \approx 81$, same as theGompertzPossion
modelbeta: male_t_true
: $\mathbb{E} \sim -0.039, 0 \notin \text{HDI}_{94}$ driving $M$ lower and $\pi$ lower (earlier death), slightly more positive and wider than theGompertzPoisson
model - suggesting this now contains the variance we need to isolate
3.2 Prediction of Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ for Individual Observations¶
We also engineered our model to be able to make predictions on out-of-sample (aka previously unseen) data of Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ (which is formally in the model as $\hat{\pi}(t)$
This is not a technical evaluation method, and the proper technical model evaluation is discussed above $\S2.3$, but here we can eyeball the predictions on a subset of data vs the true values, and get a feel for what we can do with the predictive outputs.
Each prediction is of course a distribution over a range of values, quantifing the uncertainty in the prediction. We can use the mean as the expected value, and the distribution as a measure of the uncertainty.
We can test this distribution against the true data and comment on the model calibration
Assuming a well-calibrated model, we can use the distribution as an exceedance curve wherein we choose to use the predicted value at e.g. the 90th percentile, so that e.g. 90% of the time the true value is below our predicted value. This is critical in risk evaluation etc.
- Here's the distribution of estimated Expected time-to-event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ for the forecast group for our
synthetic out-of-sample dataset for
death_yr = 2023
- For Female
male = False
: $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t} \sim 80 \in [80, 78]_{HDI94}$ days - For Male
male = True
: $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t} \sim 77 \in [76, 77]_{HDI94}$ days, $\approx 4 \%$ sooner
- For Female
- The estimates have plausible scale (mean life expectancy in UK is reported to be around these values)
- The estimates have a plausible relationship (males die sooner)
- These estimates are lower than the
model (which may or may not be a good thing), but importantly theHDI94
s are wider, which is great to see, because it means we're handling uncertainty in the data better and can make more-robust, better-qualified predictions
4. Discussion of Cohort_B10
We started this case study with the intention of implementing partial-pooled birth year cohorts $\sum_{c}\kappa_{c}(t)$, to yield $M$ varying by birth cohort. This seems closer to a real observational study where we have birth dates by individual:
$$D_{b10} = \sum_{b10} \kappa_{b10}(t)$$
We experimented with this at a 10-year resolution in model GompertzNBCohortB10
, but found poor results with our modified AFT
model architecture, mainly due to the nature of the data itself.
The cohort_b10
groupwise empirical event density functions $\pi$ have a poorly definied mode $M$¶
- Cohorts
1880 to 1940
have a defined convex modal peak $M$ - Cohorts
1940 to 2000
do not have a convex modal peak, and could cause trouble - we could try to underweight them in the $M$ component of the log-likelihood - Cohorts
2000 to 2030
are of course missing, so we will use auto-imputation in the hierarchical structure
The resulting Expected Time-to-Event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ for Individual Observations were unusable¶
- So, here's the distribution of estimated Expected time-to-event $\hat{\mathbb{E}}_{t}$ for our
synthetic out-of-sample dataset grouped by birth cohort
- It's not good! Inevitably displaying the same behaviour and relationships discussed above for the plots of $\hat{S}(t)$ i.e
- Early cohorts
1880 to 1920
still look somewhat plausible, albeit slightly lower than the ONS' own statistics - Middle cohorts
1920 to 1980
are terrible - likely because convex $M$ isn't actually observed, and the current top of the event density slope is mistaken for $M$ - Middle cohort
1980 to 1990
looks plausible, but there's no reason for the model to get this right, so it's a chance accident - Later cohorts
1990 to 2030
are bad because they're underrepresented in the data and largely auto-imputed from the hierarchical mean
- Early cohorts
We propose using a Gaussian Process to estimate the empirical Event Density Function $\pi$¶
If we were to continue to use this compromised data set from the ONS, the next logical step to improve the general model architecture would be to use a Gaussian Process to directly estimate the empirical Event Density Function $\pi$, continue to evidence the count $\kappa$
... for future discussion!
Next Steps¶
Now the interested reader should dig into the full case study Notebooks in project
There we demonstrate the full E2E workflow for models of increasing sophistication, including several state-of-the-art methods unavailable to conventional max-likelihood / machine-learning models.
Oreum Industries © 2024